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If running is a mental effort, as well as a muscular workout, an effective training has to consider the brain as an "additional muscle" to exercise.

Since understanding the body is difficult, trying to decode the brain can become a nightmare. This is why working with professionals is the way to go. I have my trusted sport scientist and there is no way I make a step without consulting her. Working with experienced specialists pays back in the "long run" (in the true sense of the word!).

She is Italian, her name is Chiara Gattoni and she is definitely a tough cookie.

She holds tons of experience in strength and conditioning, besides running cutting edge research in the field of mental fatigue and sleep deprivation on endurance exercise performance, for the University of Kent and UK Ministry of Defence.

This is a game changer in the field and UK soldiers could take advantage of this workout to improve their multitasking physical and mental performance.

Chiara, while working as a researcher, is fully committed with her big project for a multi-sport academy in Italy. She dreams big and works even harder.

"I want to fight doping, teach honesty, loyalty and teamwork, I want to build a School of Life even before a School of Sport"

The idea is to give the opportunity to the kids to change sport and shift from soccer to tennis, from dance to basketball.

"Practice only one sport is not enough to grow a complete athlete. It is advisable to learn more skills, that help the athlete himself from a motor integrity point of view, contributing in preventing injuries"

Her passion and energy will draw the attention of investors and attract venture capitalists, like honey with ants and I can't wait to see the project realised.

More details about the School of Sport and her research will be published soon, follow her in the socials clicking on the images!

With her experience she can build a customised training putting on the plate the best resources from the academic and professional panorama.


1. Wear a good pair of shoes 2. Build your goal 3. No self-made plans, consult a professional 4. Define a timeline 5. Create a good base for your running training: core stability, proprioception, strength exercises are essential! 6. Running is not only running: do your post running stretching! 7. Be resolute but listen to your body: every day may not be a good day 8. Increase the running volume little by little and be flexible to changes 9. Rest is as much important as training itself 10.Take part in intermediate competitions to test yourself (e.g., half marathon if the goal is marathon)

"Run with your brain" is not only beneficial for professional athletes, but it is also working very well for amateurs and physical active individuals, at any age.

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